Dementia Evaluation and Care Planning
Comprehensive centers that offer a variety of tests to establish the presence of Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease, Lewy Body dementia, Parkinson's dementia, frontotemporal dementia, or other conditions which involve loss of memory, deterioration of intellectual functioning, disorientation, and other similar symptoms. Memory care centers may also develop treatment plans, provide patient and caregiver education, and offer care coordination.
Cognitive Assessment and Dementia Screening
Ashburn Psychological Services
19 E Market Street, Leesburg, VA, 20176
(703) 621-7121
Cognitive Assessments and Treatment Planning
Carilion Center for Healthy Aging
2001 Crystal Spring Avenue, Suite 302, Roanoke, VA, 24014
(540) 981-7653
Toll Free:
(800) 422-8482
GW Medical Faculty Associates Memory Clinic
George Washington University Hospital
2150 Pennsylvania Ave NW, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC, 20037
(202) 741-2870
Memory Assessment Center
Medstar Georgetown University Hospital
3800 Reservoir Road, NW, 7th Floor, 7th Floor, Washington, DC, 20007
(202) 444-8525
Geriatric Assessment Center
The Martha W. Goodson Center / A Collaborative Network for Care and Support for Healthy Aging / Part of the Riverside Health System Network of Care
460 McLaws Circle, Suite 110, Williamsburg, VA, 23185
(757) 220-4751
(757) 220-7756
Comprehensive Alzheimer's and Dementia Assessments
VCU Health System
1250 East Marshall Street, Richmond, VA, 23298
(804) 828-9000
Toll Free:
(800) 762-6161
Statewide and Nationwide
Dementia Evaluation and Care Planning
Comprehensive centers that offer a variety of tests to establish the presence of Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease, Lewy Body dementia, Parkinson's dementia, frontotemporal dementia, or other conditions which involve loss of memory, deterioration of intellectual functioning, disorientation, and other similar symptoms. Memory care centers may also develop treatment plans, provide patient and caregiver education, and offer care coordination.
Memory and Aging Care Clinic (MACC)
University of Virginia Health System, Neuropsychology
1221 Lee Street, Fourth Floor, Charlottesville, VA, 22903
(434) 243-9295

Glennan Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS)
825 Fairfax Avenue Suite 201, Norfolk, VA, 23507
(757) 446-5600
Kulynych Memory Assessment Clinic
J. Paul Sticht Center on Aging and Rehabilitation, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
Medical Center Boulevard, G Floor, Winston-Salem, NC, 27157
(336) 713-8250
Toll Free:
(888) 716-9253
(336) 713-8252
The Memory Disorders Center
Johns Hopkins Medicine Bayview
4940 Eastern Avenue , Baltimore , MD, 21224
(419) 550-0100
UNC Memory Disorders Program
University of North Carolina Department of Neurology
170 Manning Drive, Campus Box 7025, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599-7025
(919) 966-8178